are complaining about me. Good job ;)
If you feel that I've somehow affected you, I encourage you to
do a complain with the following governmental organizations.
Actually go wild, lie and say I hacked you and do a complain also:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Integrated Technological Crime Unit
130 Dufferin Avenue
London, Ontario N6A 5R2
Telephone: (519) 640-7340
Fax: (519) 645-4382
Complain ID: I0701160343378261
and why not?! have your logs, my IP's, I told you were I live and you even have a satellite photo of my house, I think is enough information to submit a complain.
Anyways, there is a crisis on Darfur, war on terrorism, war on drugs, North Korea with nukes, Russia becoming a super-evil-power again and all that kind of stuff, but who cares about all that when a "script kiddie" "hacks" your "SEO blog" where you
syndicate stuff from another blog? That has to be more important for them!
Make the complains please, I'll be waiting here for the mounted police to come :)
LoL you really are one of the most exciting things that's happened in the SEO world recently.. cheers!
Please wack that spamhuntress site off the planet, a nice picture of tubgirl on her site would be sweet. And dont forget digitalpoint, bunch of whiny, sniffling white hat crybaby's at that place. Plus hogan is an asshat.
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